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from The Tims

Looking for a change? Need more new patients? The Tims would love to share their 30+ years of combined insights, experience, and expertise.

The Hygiene Multiplier Effect:
How to Grow Your Dental Practice

By now, you know about the four phases of practice growth, but one method to growing your practice may be something you’ve not considered…but is right under your nose (literally).

A solid hygiene program accounts for about 30% of revenue in most practices!

It’s a part of your daily routine, so let’s look at how this can be a revenue generator for your practice.


Exclusive Research:
Inside the Minds of 3,735 Dental Patients

Tim Kelley is the founder of TNT Dental, an online marketing company for dentists

Tim Kelley
Founder, TNT Dental

Do I really need a new website?

If I had a dollar for every time I was asked this question over the past 20 years, I would be able to buy a brand-new Tesla Model X with Ludicrous Mode.

At the same time, this question remained a tough one to answer… until now.

In the past, it has been pretty subjective. Sometimes, it was obvious… websites featuring 6 shades of brown and your photo from dental school graduation needed to be updated.

In other cases, it was not so obvious. Personal preferences and the goals of your practice often guided the decision.

Have Tim Give Me a Call


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